Wesley Village Retirement Home

  • Assisted Living/Senior Care/Retirement Homes
2800 Loy Lake Rd.
Denison, TX 75020
(903) 465-6463
(903) 465-6498 (fax)
Office is open from 8am to 430pm Monday through Friday. We are available for tours.
  • About

    Welcome to Wesley Village

    You feel welcome from the first day you move in. Discover a lifestyle full of pleasant surprises that will make you eager for the start of each new day. Enjoy delicious meals, planned activities, secure surroundings, respect for privacy and an atmosphere which fosters your independence and freedom.

    Imagine a beautiful community of like-minded neighbors with a menu of services devoted to making your life comfortable at reasonable monthly rates. At Wesley Village we are focused on an environment of Faith, Family and Community.

    Call or come by for a tour today.