Even though time is limited, quality of life needn't be. Home Hospice provides the highest quality of care and services for those journeying through the final phase of life as well as support for the families. Our interdisciplinary team of medical professionals and volunteers walk the journey with you and your loved ones, keeping you as comfortable as possible. We are dedicated to the mission of providing care to those who are terminally ill and their families and communities.
Established in 1982 by volunteers in the communities we still serve, Home Hospice is the only nonprofit hospice organization in the Grayson, Cooke and Fannin County area. While benefits are available through Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance, our programs are offered to those with and without reimbursement resources. Our expensive grief support program is available at no cost to anyone who has experienced a loss. The range of compassionate care, grief support services, and volunteer assistance is available regardless of ability to pay. Our mission is helping you find comfort through our care.
Home Hospice of Grayson County is a 501c3 community-based organization established, staffed and governed by members of the communities we serve.
When days are limited, quality of life shouldn't be!
* Find Comfort
* Know Peace
* Experience Joy
Office located on the NEcorner of HWY 75 S & Center Street, Sherman. From the south on 75 take the Park exit, continue N on the access road; from the north take Houston/Lamar exit & head S to Center